Ultimate Texas Holdem Collusion

Ultimate Texas Hold ‘Em was developed by Roger Snow of Bally Gaming, Inc. (formerly Shuffle Master). It is one of the newest variations of the poker game and is currently widely popular among US casinos. It is one of the most in-demand niche table games in casinos in Las Vegas and many other states. Jan 21, 2021 To play a hand of Ultimate Texas Hold'em you need to make at least 2 bets - the Ante and Blinds bet. The Trips bet is an optional bet you can make which pays out only if you hit certain hands. The Play bet you can make in different multiples of your original bets at various points in the hand. Here’s how a hand of Ultimate Texas Hold’em works.

I've found in wizardofodds.com/games/ultimate-texas-hold-em/ the best strategy for Ultimate Texas Hold'em, but I would like to know how to adapt it when is possible to know the cards of other's players and how could change the house edge. I would like to know it because I stayed in a casino where the croupiers didn't warned me when me and my friends where seeing our cards. So the question is how to play if we are three friends and is possible to see our cards (how I have to play, how has to play my friend n. 1 and my friend n. 2), and how could change the house edge in this situation?
Sorry for my bad english.

I've found in wizardofodds.com/games/ultimate-texas-hold-em/ the best strategy for Ultimate Texas Hold'em, but I would like to know how to adapt it when is possible to know the cards of other's players and how could change the house edge. I would like to know it because I stayed in a casino where the croupiers didn't warned me when me and my friends where seeing our cards. So the question is how to play if we are three friends and is possible to see our cards (how I have to play, how has to play my friend n. 1 and my friend n. 2), and how could change the house edge in this situation?
Sorry for my bad english.

It turns out that it's not worth that much.
CollusionA friend of mine did some math for this. I don't remember the exact numbers but, basically, the issue is that the reason that you are raising big with your high cards is not that when they pair they tend to win, but because they often win unimproved.
CollusionBasically, because you don't need to make a hand to win, it doesn't really matter much.
On the other hand, the information is VERY valuable in a game like MS Stud, where you are paid for making a hand.
It leads to a marginal adjustment and leads to a moderate reduction of the house edge but not an advantage.
Oh, wow, my friend wasted a lot of time doing that math.
But, yeah, that basically confirms my info. Really not worth much.
Dealer errors, on the other hand...

Dealer errors, on the other hand...

Or player errors...
'Hey man, your'e not playin your trips bet?' 'Nope, don't have the money. It's all yours, same with the blind bet, 50 to 1 bonus for the royal.' 'Cool, man. Thanks!!!!!!'
100% risk of ruin

Or player errors...
'Hey man, your'e not playin your trips bet?' 'Nope, don't have the money. It's all yours, same with the blind bet, 50 to 1 bonus for the royal.' 'Cool, man. Thanks!!!!!!'

Have you actually managed this?
Thanks to all for the answers;
Do you think that in that situation the house edge is also > 0 or the player has an advantage, even though minimum?

Have you actually managed this?

Well the $5 bj game is full. If they wanna back-bet my blind, who am I to stop them...
100% risk of ruin

Thanks to all for the answers;
Do you think that in that situation the house edge is also > 0 or the player has an advantage, even though minimum?

Seeing other players cards will not give you an advantage. The difference to house edge is small.Ultimate

Seeing other players cards will not give you an advantage. The difference to house edge is small.

Free Practice For Ultimate Texas Holdem

And in practice, I'd say allowing players to look at each other's cards dramatically increases the house edge, because people with great preflop hands chicken out when they see one out gone.

Ultimate Texas Holdem Collusion Rules

Casinos are not your friends, they want your money. But so does Disneyland. And there is no chance in hell that you will go to Disneyland and come back with more money than you went with. - AxelWolf and Mickeycrimm